November 30th, 2015: An important milestone

I worked very hard to meet a self-imposed milestone at the end of November, to have the fuselage and the wings together, … and I did it! 20151202_122133My friend Michael (and his dog Nikita) helped with the final assembly (impossible to do it alone). The struts are brand new and AD free. The wing leading edges are new also. Alan, my mechanic, correctly says that there is no way to smooth the old ones that were in bad shape. My wife was crucial in helping to install the new leading edges. Now the debugging starts:
  • aileron connection
  • aileron leading edges
  • jury struts
  • pitot/static routing
  • fuel line connection
  • wing-tip lights
  • etc
The goal is to take the aircraft apart at the end of January and start to cover. Please Read and Understand the Legal Disclaimer