I have decided to have three hidden antennas: Com, Transponder and GPS.
The com antena is RA MILLER AV-17 COM ANTENNA (my IA says it is too heavy :-). It will be connected to a Trig TY91 radio. I built the largest possible ground plane using heavy aluminum foil over a wood frame.
The transponder antenna is an RA MILLER AV-22 XPDR ANTENNA. It will be connected to a Trig TT21 Transponder, which is ADSB-OUT capable when connected to an appropriate WAAS/GPS source. The ground plane is tuned and it is exactly 120mm per side.The GPS antenna is the one that comes with Freeflight 1201. This GPS sensor is WAAS cabable and provides the GPS coordinates to the transponder to meet ADSB-OUT requirements. This GPS has no display.
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