
I have decided to have three hidden antennas: Com, Transponder and GPS. The com antena is RA MILLER AV-17 COM ANTENNA (my IA says it is too heavy :-). It will be connected to a Trig TY91 radio. I built the largest possible ground plane using heavy aluminum foil over a wood frame. IMG_7271 IMG_7284 The transponder antenna is an RA MILLER AV-22 XPDR ANTENNA. It will be connected to a Trig TT21 Transponder, which is ADSB-OUT capable when connected to an appropriate WAAS/GPS source. The ground plane is tuned and it is exactly 120mm per side.IMG_7285IMG_7270The GPS antenna is the one that comes with Freeflight 1201. This GPS sensor is WAAS cabable and provides the GPS coordinates to the transponder to meet ADSB-OUT requirements. This GPS has no display. IMG_7291 Please Read and Understand the Legal Disclaimer